Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Quintessential Fall

Finally, after an amazingly hot September, Fall seems to have appeared.  There is a crispness to the early morning air that's been missing.  Only 5 days behind schedule with starting my class, Picture Fall with Tracy Clack, I finally got the camera out searching for those first symbols of Fall.  The journey begins....

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Faux Polaroid

Flipping through my new issue of Sommerset Apprentice, I found this super easy technique, by Vanessa Spencer, to make a faux Polaroid print in less than 5 minutes!  Seriously...it took me longer to gather up all my supplies than it did to actually do the project. 

1. Print a color image of a photo you've taken with your inkjet printer on regular paper.
2. Using a foam brush dipped in water, wash over the front side of the photo.  It seemed to take a good amount of water to get the effect of the ink showing through to the back side.
3. Flip the paper over and dry with a heat tool. I had my trusty brown paper bag "craft sheet" underneath in case any ink would bleed off onto my counter or you could use paper towels.
4. Hang to dry completely or I used an old iron to smooth the paper back down from being a little crinkled from the heat tool.
5. Mount in your art journal, collages, or other altered art pieces:)

The finished product will be the reverse image of your original:) 

The watered down original is pretty cool, too!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fun with Fabric

Today I signed up for a new 12-week course through Big Picture Classes:)  I really enjoyed the Claudine Hellmuth series I took over the past 3 months.  After being exposed to Claudine's Studio line of fabulous paints by Kelly Rae during Unearth, I was excited to learn more about her techniques and products.  Now that her class has ended I am trying to stretch creatively past my safe haven of photography into uncharted waters again, so a little sewing and fabric therapy should be in order!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Welcome to my new blog.  It is almost up and functioning like I want, with only a couple issues to work on still:) 

Monday, September 13, 2010

Unfurl Gift

In preparation for the Unfurl trip this November, I made Danielle and I luggage tags:) If you would like your own customized tags, just send me the info you want on the back and I will send them to you!

PS Don't forget to stop by and check out Danielle's new website HERE!