Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Slice of Life

I just completed a fabulous photography e-course led by Darrah Parker over at Slice of Life.

Here are a few of the subjects she covered and some of the pictures I took:

Week 1: What Matters to Me
Week 2: Composition, Creativity & Cropping
Week 3: Let There Be Light - Using your flash
Week 4: People in our Lives - Body Language & Photographing Faces
Week 5: The Decisive Moment & Tell Your Story
Week 6: Putting It All Together

Here is a video she put together, at the end of the class, showcasing photographs from all the students - http://vimeo.com/19759564 . The music is really wonderful jazz played by her husband and his band the Jason Parker Quartet:) 

If you are interested in a fun photography class and meeting new Flickr friends, this is a great class and well worth the time:)

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